Working Hours -Sunday- Thursday:7:30-3:30

Title:  Longitudinal investigation of SARS-COV-2 humoral antibody and cellular response among naturally infected and vaccinated individuals with three different types of COVID-19 vaccines.

Objectives and outcomes: There is still a gap of knowledge regarding the potential differences in the immune responses between different types of vaccines. Further, declining of vaccine protection against COVID-19 is a concern.     

In this project, we aim to compare the level of acquired immune response between three different types of vaccines. The immune response of volunteers vaccinated with Moderna, Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines and volunteers who were not previously contracted COVID-19 will be studied over one year period. All antibody isotypes, affinity and avidity of the antibody response, T-cell, and natural killer NK responses will be investigated.  

The finding of this project should provide scientific evidence necessary for policymakers to make informed COVID-19 vaccination policy and guidelines. The findings should be also used to inform national-level decision-making to manage the SARS-CoV2 pandemic and the current vaccination strategy in and outside Qatar. 

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