2022 Qatar University Merit Award: Excellence in overall academic duties, including teaching, research and service to the internal and external community ($20,500)
2021&2022 Recognized among the top 2% cited scholars on an international level, as per a global study and classification of Stanford University
2020 Qatar University Research Excellence Award ($14,000)
2019 College of Health Science Research Excellence Award ($2,800)
2015 Best Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries student’s project at the Science Festival 14, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman-given to GKN my undergraduate student- Huda Yasmine
2012 Cancer Care Nova Scotia (Canada) Innovation Excellence Award. Nova Scotia, Canada- given to Jason Berman research group including GKN
2012 IWK Health Center Travel Grants, Nova Scotia, Canada- given to GKN
2009 Canadian College of Microbiologist Award for top student symposium presentation and Canadian Society of Microbiology (CSM) student travel award ($1,000)
2023- 2024 Qatar University-Grant #QUCG-CHS-23/24-1 Title:Characterization and magnitude SARS-CoV-2 immune response among previously infected and vaccinated (Moderna vs Pfizer vs AstraZeneca) individuals. Lead PI. Total project budget: QR300,000
2022- 2023 WHO-Grant #COVID-19-22-43 Title:Longitudinal investigation of SARS-COV-2 humoral antibody and cellular response among naturally infected and vaccinated individuals with three different types of COVID-19 vaccines. Lead PI. Total project budget: $10,000
2022- 2023 QNRF-UREP29-026-3-004 Title: Longitudinal investigation of SARS-COV-2 humoral antibody and cellular response among naturally infected and vaccinated individuals with three different types of COVID-19 vaccines.. Lead PI. Total project budget: $30,000
2022- 2024 QNRF-MME03-1128-210032 Title: Constraints of ruminant production in smallholder animal farms in Qatar: Defining problems and improving health through alternative modalities. PI. Total project budget: $483,505
2021- 2024 QNRF – Grant # GSRA8-L-1-0501-21022 Title:Low-Cost Magnetic Lateral Flow Assay Platform for Rapid Food Safety Testing and Point-of-Care Viral Infection Diagnostics in Qatar. Lead PI. Total project budget: $264,958.0
2019- 2023 QNRF – Grant # GSRA6-1-0413-19013 Title: Exploiting yeast and tissue culture models for studying classical and novel CBS mutations toward developing a novel therapy for homocystinuria. Lead PI. Total project budget: $289,112
2021- 2022 QNRF – Grant # UREP28-173-3-057 Title: Seroprevalence SARS-COV2 antibodies among naturally infected and vaccinated individuals in the Qatar University community. Lead PI. Total project budget: $30,000
2021-2024 QNRF – Grant # NPRP13S-0128-200185 Title: Low-Cost Magnetic Lateral Flow Assay Platform for Rapid Food Safety Testing and Point-of-Care Viral Infection Diagnostics in Qatar. Lead PI. Total project budget: $600,000.
2020-2023 QNRF – Grant # NPRP12S-0216-190094 Title Characterizing hepatitis C virus epidemiology in Qatar and the Middle East and North Africa: Intervention strategies and the path to hepatitis C elimination by 2030. Consultant. Total project budget: $634,199.0
2019-2023 QNRF – Grant # NPRP11S-1212-170092. COVID-19 complications and underlying mechanisms in disease pathogenesis in diabetic patients in Qatar. PI. Total project budget: $750,449
2019- 2020 QNRF – Grant # Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP) 24-013-3-003 Title: Molecular epidemiology and seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) among non-A-C hepatitis patients in Qatar. LPI. Total project budget: $30,000.00
2019- 2020 QNRF – Grant # Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP) 26-097-3-040 Title:
Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine (SAPDA) Surfactant Using Zebrafish Embryo Mode. PI. Total project budget:$30,000
2019-2020 Qatar University-Grant # Collaborative grant QUCG-CHS-19/20-1 Title: Detection, phylogenetic and serological profiling of hepatitis E virus (HEV) among acute non-A- C hepatitis patient in Qatar, and performance validation of new and common commercial assays for detection of HEV-RNA and anti-HEV antibody. LPI. Total project budget: 270,000.00 QAR
2019- 2023 Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF)- Grant # NPRP11S-1212-170092. Influenza
complications and underlying mechanisms in disease pathogenesis in diabetic patients in
Qatar. Co-LPI. Total project budget: S750,449
2019- 2020 Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF)- Grant # QUCG-CHS-19/20-1 Title: Detection, phylogenetic and serological profiling of hepatitis E virus (HEV) among acute non-A-C hepatitis patient in Qatar, and performance validation of new and common commercial assays for detection of HEV-RNA and anti-HEV antibody. LPI. Total project budget: 270,000 QR
2017- 2019 QNRF- Grant # PPM1-1220-150017. A platform for large-scale serological profiling of the Qatari population to link individual genome and immune phenotype variation in health and disease. PI. Total project budget: $798,952.00.
2017- 2018 Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Cofounding Research Program Grant # GCC-2017-001. Multifunctional mesoporous nanospheres for bioapplications. Co-LPI. Total project budget: $148,000
2017- 2018 QNRF – Grant # UREP20-020-3-003 Title: Seroprevalence, detection and phylogenetic analysis of parvovirus B19V among healthy blood donors in Qatar. Lead PI. Total project budget: $30,000
2017- 2018 QNRF – Grant # UREP19-013-3-001. Title: Seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection among healthy blood donors in Qatar. Lead PI. Total project budget: $15,000.
2020-2021QNRF – Grant # HSREP03-1219-200011 Title: Effect of Low and High Molecular Weight Iron Chelation Therapy in Iron Overloaded ZebrafishLead PI. Total project budget: $5,000.
2021-2022 QNRF – Grant # HSREP02-1125-190004 Title: Ecotoxicity evaluation of two Ionic liquids on embryonic development of zebrafish. Lead PI. Total project budget: $5,000.
2020-2021 QNRF – Grant # RRC-2-032. Title: Validation of selected commercial serological assays for diagnosis of COVID-19. Lead PI. Total project budget: $27,397.2.
2018-2020 QNRF – Grant # QUCG-CHS-18/19-1 Title: Effect of natural antioxidant on diabetes induce epigenetic modifications in human endothelial cells: An ex-vivo-in-vivo approach Lead PI. Total project budget: 300,000 QR
2016- 2019 QNRF- Grant # NPRP8-286-2-118: Title: “Green” Antimicrobial Nanoparticles for Seawater
Disinfection. Project consultant. Total project budget $793,629.00
2016- 2020 QNRF- Grant # MRC: Title: Developing a virus-like particle (VLP-based) vaccine against MERS-CoV. PI. Total project budget $301,300
2020- 2022 QNRF- Grant # IRCC-2019-007. Title: Investigating predictive biomarkers and cellular/molecular determinants of chronic respiratory diseases. LPI. Total project budget $198,000
2020- 2022 QNRF- Grant # IQJRC 122 Title: Quantitative assessment of the transmission dynamics and critical drivers of key sexually transmitted infections in the Middle East and North Africa. PI. Total project budget $212,000
2016-2017 Weil Cornell Medical College, Qatar-pilot study funding proposals. Study #16000-12. Title: Estimating the sero-prevalence of Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 in Middle East and North Africa. Co-LPI. Co-LPI. Total project budget: $39,312.4
2015-2019 QNRF- Grant # NPRP7 - 355 - 3 – 088. Title: Novel therapies for Qatar patients with homocystinuria. PI. Total project budget: $822,030.00
2015- 2019 QNRF- Grant # NPRP7 - 355 - 3 – 088. Title: Novel therapies for Qatar patients with homocystinuria. PI. Total project budget: $822,030.00
2015- 2016 QNRF – Grant # UREP18-001-3-001. Title: Detection and phylogenetic genotyping of EBV virus among blood donors in Qatar. Lead PI. Total project budget: $30,000
2015- 2016 Qatar Cardiac Research Center (QCRC): Non-competitive grant (service agreement contract)-QFR No. QF/205/PD-SC/20408. Title: Developmental biology project: Collaboration of using Qatar University space QFR No. LPI. Total project budget: $58,847.94.
2014-2015 QNRF – Grant # UREP15 - 014 - 3 – 005 Title: Investigation of Legionella pneumophila in Qatar cooling systems. Lead PI. Total project budget: $30,000.
2014- 2015 QNRF – Grant # UREP15 - 015 - 3 - 006 Title: Detection and phylogenetic genotyping of TT virus among blood donors in Qatar. Lead PI. Total project budget: $30,000