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In a recent study conducted by researchers at Stanford University, three faculty members from our department were featured in the list of the top 2% of the world’s most-cited scientists during 2020, in addition to the list of the top 2% of the most-cited scientists during their full academic journey. Dr. Cagatay Catal, Prof. Sumaya Al-Maadeed, and Dr. Elias Yaacub have made it to the first list. Furthermore, Dr. Cagatay and Dr. Elias were featured in the second one. The number of scientists from Qatar University increased by nearly 20% in the first list and by nearly 30% in the second list compared to last year. The lists included more than 100,000 researchers around the world according to Scopus database till August 1, 2021. The inclusion of Qatar University faculty members in the list, for the second year respectively, is a clear acknowledgment of Qatar University’s success endeavor in preparing highly skilled cadres, producing high-quality research, and leading in research and education.

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